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Welcome to our clinic northeast Philadelphia

Welcome to our clinic northeast Philadelphia

Benifist of hijama cupping.Enhances General Health of the bodyRelieves PainImproves physical & mental health conditionsHas stimulating and strengthening effectsStimulates and strengthens the immune systemImproves Blood CirculationDetoxifies the BodyPurifies the BloodSharpens the EyesightImproves MemoryEnhances IntellectReduces StressIncreases activity in fighting infections and tumors.Reduces depression & sadness by releasing chemicals in the brainSupplies oxygen, hormones, & enzymes to local tissues and jointsAllows 80% elimination of substances that cause painBuilds up the body’s natural resistance to illnessesRemoves poison from bites etc.Allows tissues to release toxins and removes toxin through surface of the skin (detox)Improves Blood flow & lymph flow to the corresponding organ & activates its functionRelieves muscles spasms, hardening or stiffness of muscular tissueBenefits muscular pains by relaxing spastic muscle fibresReduces unwanted side affects of drugs, removes their residue and reduces risk of drug toxicity

Hijama sunnah cleanse

Hijama sunnah cleanse

What is the Sunnah of Hijama?Hijama Sunnah PointsHighlighting the particular points where the Prophet himself got cupped, the following are regarded as the Sunnah Points: Between the Shoulders (KAHIL – Upper Back) – The area between the shoulders blades, most commonly in line with the inferior end of the scapula is ideal for cupping therapy.Cost: $100 for 10 cups 

Hijama Wet Cupping Therapy

Hijama Wet Cupping Therapy

The method involves scratching the superficial layer of the skin with a surgical lancet. The scratches made are shallow and are not visible to the naked eye. A vacuum cup is applied on the area and few milliliters of toxic blood are suctioned out of the small incisions, thus promoting a relaxing detoxifying experience.Here is a list of some of the problems it can easily help with:·Headache·Blood pressure·Asthma·Hear problems·Arthritis·Back pain·Knee pain·Memory problems·Learning behaviours·Muscular issues·Digestive issues·Fertility issues·Diabetes·Cancer·And the list go

Hijama for mens health

Hijama for mens health

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual dysfunction that affects millions of men worldwide. It is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. While there are various treatments for ED, traditional medicine offers some effective solutions, including wet cupping – hijama therapy Wet cupping therapy has been shown to be particularly effective in cases of ED caused by Excess Cold and Blood Stagnation. Excess Cold can enter the body through external and internal exposure to cold temperatures. External exposure can be caused by activities like swimming in cold water, sitting on cold surfaces, or exposing the pelvic region to cold air. Internal exposure can occur from prolonged consumption of cold food and drinks. Symptoms of Excess Cold can include ED, painful erection, excess water retention in the abdominal region, frequent urination, lower back pain, knee pain, clear profuse urine, prostate issues, low sperm motility, and poor morphology. Cost:$150 for 18 cups

Cupping for Athletes & Sport Performance

Cupping for Athletes & Sport Performance

During the last 2016 Rio Olympic Games, athletes with cupping marks attracted a lot of attention. Cupping is indeed a common treatment used in sport. Cupping therapy is very effective for injuries such as: shoulder impingement injuries, chronic shoulder pain, lower back pain, hip tightness, knee pain, patella tracking alignment, hamstring strains, and many more sports injuries.For athletes who aren’t hurt, the increased blood flow from cupping is thought to help repair muscle fibers after a tough workout.

Hijama For Hair Loss

Hijama For Hair Loss

Hijama therapy is one of the most successful therapy to treat hair loss and it's a very easy and affordable treatment option. It doesn't cost a lot like Hair transplant which is still a very costly treatment method and has its own risks. To perform Hijama therapy, first, the patient has to shave the hair.Hijama help hair growth It delivers good nutrition for hair roots, increases the movement of the sweat glands and opens the pores of the skin. Cupping therapy not only removes the bad blood from the skin but also removes harmful elements absorbed underneath the surface of the skin. It stimulates, therefore, the process of hair growth.

Hijama cupping for asthma

Hijama cupping for asthma

Existing studies have shown that cupping therapy can quickly improve the symptoms of asthma patients who are not sensitive to corticosteroids and bronchodilators and can be used as an alternative therapy. 

Hijama For Sciatica Nerve Pain

Hijama For Sciatica Nerve Pain

Hijama is an alternative mode of treatment also known as cupping therapy. It involves removal of subcutaneous stagnant blood through suction cups after making superficial incisions at particular area of the body. This study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of hijama in sciatica pain and in this treatment hijama cups were applied generally at lumbar and sacrum area, while two cups specially applied on L4/L5 vertebrae, four cups were additionally applied on hip joint, back of thigh, knee and calf muscle, all cups were applied thrice at an interval of 15 days between each session.‭ ‬The decrease in sciatic pain was assessed after three sessions of ‭Hijama by ‬numeric pain rating scale there was overall significant reduction in pain with 70-80 percent patients showing relief in pain up to varying degree. Present study suggests that hijama has been found to ‬be effective in relieving pain and improving quality of life in majority of the patient’s, hence may be used as effective alternative tool to alleviate pains.

Hijama Cupping For Knee Pain

Hijama Cupping For Knee Pain

What is chronic knee pain?Chronic knee pain is long-term pain, swelling, or sensitivity in one or both knees. The cause of your knee pain can determine the symptoms you experience. Many conditions can cause or contribute to chronic knee pain, and many treatments exist. Each person’s experience with chronic knee pain will be different.Treatment of Chronic Knee Pain By Cupping Therapy:1.Increase Blood flow.2. Clean Toxins.3.Improves Blood Circulation4. Heal Knee Pain5. Gives Muscles Strength.6. Muscles Relaxation.7. Improves Capacity Of Knee.

Hijama Cupping For Stomach Issues

Hijama Cupping For Stomach Issues

Hijama on the digestive system helps in breaking down fatty deposits, relaxing the nervous system, clearing emotional barriers, clearing blocked colon, as well as promoting digestion.The fresh blood flow to the area cupped, brings about, increased platelets and growth factors needed for stimulation and healing of the organs. Ultimately, it improves peristalsis and secretion of digestive juices. Hence a good digestion will provide relief to anxiety and stress as well.

Hijama for Headaches Migraine

Hijama for Headaches Migraine

Headaches is defined as a pain in the area of the head or neck region.And this pain has varied in intensity, duration and area affected. Migraine is a pain in half of the head and is characterized by a throbbing pain associated with nausea, vomiting and visual disturbance.

Hijama for back pain

Hijama for back pain

Two and half million people in the usa now suffer from back pain. Whether you’re old or young, back pain affects everyone. Back pain can be felt from anywhere in your spine from the top to the bottom. Feeling back pain on your lower back is the most common. Common back pain related issues are slipped disc, sciatica, whiplash, and ankylosing spondylitis (this is a long term condition that causes pain where the spine and pelvis meet).HOW CUPPING CAN HELP BACK PAINReduces inflammationRemoves toxic build-up of stagnated blood which then promotes the free flow of healthier bloodRemoval of toxins is critical to the healing processStimulates the organs and gives them more energy to function wellNo need to take over the counter medicationCupping can often be seen as a permanent cure to back pain.

Hijama for varicose and spider veins

Hijama for varicose and spider veins

Varicose veins normally get worse over time. This is true even if you make the necessary lifestyle changes to control them and manage your pain. In some cases, it can lead to ulcers or sores on your legs, blood clots, or chronic inflammation. If you have a severe case, your veins could rupture.What are the main causes of varicose veins?Varicose veins are caused by increased blood pressure in the veins. Varicose veins happen in the veins near the surface of the skin (superficial). The blood moves towards the heart by one-way valves in the veins. When the valves become weakened or damaged, blood can collect in the veins.

Hijama cupping for acne

Hijama cupping for acne

Hijama cupping for acneTreating acne and other skin conditions with Hijama may seem a little bit unfamiliar to you. But unbeknownst to many, Hijama or cupping therapy is one of the numerous treatments that can effectively ease acne breakouts, dry skin, itchiness, and other symptoms of common skin conditions that affect your well-being. Here are some of the skin conditions that can be treated with Hijama. Acne is the most common skin condition, especially among teenagers. It occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog the hair follicles, causing pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. Moreover, acne does not just affect the skin. It can also make the patient distressed about its severity as it causes scarring.

Hijama Full Body Detox

Hijama Full Body Detox

Requirement: 1 Session Every 4 to 6 Weeks, requiring 3 sessionsDuration: Each session goes for approximately 40-45 mins This treatment is the head of all treatments! As it helps cleanse the body from head to toe, via the Lymphatic System.We target the individuals lymphatic system using Hijama placed on the individuals vital organs. Removing the stagnated lymph fluid and acidic waste the body produces over time and neglect of health.The lymphatic system does not have its own working mechanism. 70% of our body waste is channelled into the spine and 30% to the right shoulder.Vital Organ Detox Helps:– Stimulate the lymphatic system and release local toxins– Clear blockages and stagnated circulation– Activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries– Realign/balance vital energy and help neurological disorders– Promote and improve circulation– Help some blood disorders, neurological disorders, but not broken bones.– Reduces anxiety and depression by sedating the central nervous system 

Fire cupping

Fire cupping

As with many alternative treatments, the benefits of cupping start with localised pain relief and a feeling of relaxation. Traditional  medicine practitioners use cupping to improve patients' overall health and well-being by unblocking Qi in the body. Cupping can help increase blood flow and remove pain which is why many athletes and those with sports injuries commonly use this treatment.​There are many conditions that fire cupping can assist with, some of the most common being listed here:Coughs, Asthma and CongestionDigestive IssuesLocalised PainAnxietyDepressionBack, Shoulder and Neck painHigh blood pressureFertility issuesInsomniaAcne and EczemaFibromyalgiaShingles



General Benefits of  table Thai yoga  MassageThai massage, in any form, brings forth a myriad of benefits for both the body and mind. Some of the general advantages include:1. Improved Flexibility: The unique stretching techniques employed in Thai massage contribute to increased flexibility and joint mobility.2. Enhanced Circulation: The combination of acupressure and rhythmic compressions stimulates blood flow, promoting better circulation throughout the body.3. Stress Relief: Thai massage is renowned for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation, fostering a sense of calm and tranquility.4. Balanced Energy Flow: Rooted in the principles of energy balancing, Thai massage aims to unblock and balance the body's energy pathways.5. Pain Relief: Targeted pressure and stretching can alleviate muscular tension, providing relief from chronic pain and discomfort.Cost : $120  60 minutes  for full body 

Hijama for high blood pressure

Hijama for high blood pressure

Benefits of Hijama for high blood pressureWhen a person has high blood pressure, the blood cells in the arteries and veins get thick. Cupping therapy can help treat high blood pressure by drawing out the thicker blood from the bloodstream. This process enables lighter blood to circulate through the body and reduces systolic blood pressure without posing any side effects. Cost: $100

Nerve mobilization cupping

Nerve mobilization cupping

Nerve mobilization treatment is performed by applying light pressure directly on a compressed nerve to move it through the nerve sheath, using techniques called “flossing” and “gliding.” These techniques help locate the source of the pain, and restore the balance of the nervous system. - Certified nerve mobilization 

Hijama for fibromyalgia

Hijama for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Symptoms:Pain and tender pointsFatigueSleep problemsConcentration and memory problems, known as “fibro fog”Anxiety or depressionMorning stiffnessNumbness, and tingling in hands, arms, feet, and legsHeadachesIrritable bowel syndromeProblems with peeingPainful menstrual crampsBenefits of Hijama for Fibromyalgia:Improved flexibility in musclesRelief from joint achesFaster healing musclesFeel calmFeel relaxed.Requirement: 1 Session Every 4 to 6 Weeks, requiring 4 sessionsDuration: Approximately 60 mins per sessionPrice: $250 for 28 cups

Health and wellness coaching

Health and wellness coaching

Our wellness coaching programs are designed to help participants achieve lasting lifestyle change in the areas of weight and stress management, nutrition, physical activity, tobacco cessation, work/life balance, and life satisfaction. All wellness coaching sessions are entirely confidential and provided by our certified Wellness Coaches.



STRETCH THERAPYFascial Stretch Therapy is a unique and complementary system of table-based assisted stretching, focusing on the muscles and connective tissue that surround and encompass the joints. It was initially used by professional athletes regularly to improve performance, improve flexibility and help prevent injury.Fascia is a network of layered connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones and joints. A joint capsule is also a connective tissue structure that surrounds joints and is part of the fascial network. When fascia and joint capsules are restricted, it can lead to conditions such as osteoarthritis, increased muscle tightness, strains, tendinopathies, headaches, scar tissue formation, decreased blood flow and lower energy levels.

Hijama - Cupping for Sihr Ayn & Jinn Possession

Hijama - Cupping for Sihr Ayn & Jinn Possession

In the realm of traditional healing practices, Hijama cupping has garnered attention not only for its physical benefits but also for its purported ability to address metaphysical concerns. One such mysterious and often debated topic is whether Hijama cupping can help combat black magic or sihr. In this post, we delve into the historical context, beliefs, and potential connections between Hijama cupping and the spiritual realm.UNDERSTANDING BLACK MAGIC AND SIHR:Black magic, also known as sihr, is a term rooted in various cultural and religious traditions, often associated with harmful supernatural practices aimed at causing harm to individuals. While opinions on the existence and effects of black magic vary, believers in its potency often seek unconventional methods, including alternative healing practices, to counter its effects.HIJAMA CUPPING IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT:Hijama cupping, an ancient practice with roots in Islamic traditions, involves creating suction on the skin to promote blood flow and alleviate various physical ailments. It is essential to note that the primary purpose of Hijama is physical well-being. However, some proponents argue that the holistic nature of the therapy may contribute to a person’s overall balance, potentially influencing spiritual well-being.THE SPIRITUAL ASPECT OF HIJAMA:In Islamic teachings, maintaining good health is encouraged, and Hijama is seen as a prophetic remedy for various ailments. While there is no authentic mention of Hijama specifically addressing black magic or sihr in religious texts, believers often turn to holistic practices like Hijama to promote overall wellness, believing that a healthy body is better equipped to resist negative influences.Price: 30 cups for $300. 2 hours of healing 

Certified advanced hijama therapist

Certified advanced hijama therapist

Certified hijama/ cupping therapy practitioner. Hijama/ cupping therapy helps to detoxify your body and helps you heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The session includes massage cupping, dry cupping, wet cupping  . The treatment varies on the patients satisfaction and ailment.' The equipment that we use are disposable and we highly take care of hygiene

15 years experience

15 years experience






Hijama is a method of treatment where blood is drawn from small superficial skin incisions, through suction from the skin, and with it, releases toxins from within the body, reduces muscle inflammation, and kickstart the body's immune system. 

Hijama cleanses & detoxifies the body, improves blood circulation, aids body pains, and refreshes both the mind and body! It can provide relief to many different conditions and acts as a preventative measure against many kinds of diseases.